Monday, August 31, 2009

Meat-in pics

Bacon cheese cake , Bacon ice cream, Flank steak, ribs, Pig pick'n, chicken wings, meat loaf cake.........and more.

The meat-in was an awesome time of indulging in savory meatness. I met a lot of fun people and some not so fun. I must admit that I was out bothered. I was demoted from the King of Bother to a mere serf of bother. My throne was taken from me.

The headliners for me were the bacon cheese cake, waffle fatty, flank steak.

I think that I would like to start a meat eating day for my cronies here in NC.

Meat in


  1. WOW K.O.B. that's the bees knees! Looks 75% like something that might have dropped from the other end, I guess that makes it 88% more efficient by cutting out the middle man (Read: large intestine)!

    Looks like we made real asses of ourselves by not being able to fulfill our promise to 3-sheets. That makes me sad. I'm even sadder than the day... well.. "the only time I ever noticed my heart. Before when I noticed you", yeah...and I was like 95% down that day, from my nose hole to my toe jam.

    Well, catch you on the yo-yo KOB! Keep grillin!




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