Saturday, July 4, 2009

Last night was LAME!!

I went to start my meat smoking and found that both my remote thermometers were flaking out. I had Jen run to walmart at 10:00pm to buy a new one. Of course this one has a nice screen but when you set the temp and it is reached it starts beeping until you reset it. It was annoying to tweak the smoker temp with that alarm going off. So......the bottom line is I was out of sync with my normal routine and got no sleep. Maybe 2 hours at a time.

Murphy showed up and layed down the law.......loser.

I've got about 15 minutes to get the pork off and wrapped in towels and into the cooler. Then the chicken will get thier time in the CharGriller. I have to be at Cecils at 4pm. I'll keep you all posted.



  1. You shudda used one of the thermometers from when you get sick. It'll tell you the temperature just fine without all that beepin and stuff. Or you coulda used your thumb like my Uncle Cletus used to do when he made meatloaf. Always says to him, 'Uncle Cletus, whys there a hole here in the one side of the meatloaf' and he'd laugh and say 'I was checkin the temperature, stop your complainin'

    Anyway, how'd your meat turn out?

  2. I had to buy a new thermometer too. I broke my brewing thermometer just before adding the grains..had to start over. Also ran to Wal-mart for a new one. Oh well - instead of 5 hours it took 6 to brew.

  3. Hmmm... Monday already...I feel so un-posted.



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