Last weekends trip to upstate NY had mixed emotions. The purpose for the trip was very sad because we were attending a funeral for Jen's Grandpa Sugar. The service was very touching and it was nice to see the family again after being a way for a year. The up side was that we were able to visit my BFF Clint Meyer et al. While visiting we were able to eat two foods that I miss now that I live in the awesome state of NC. We had fish fries from the Parkside Diner in Sea Breeze, our old neighborhood. NC doesn't really have fish fries on Friday like up north. I think its because there aren't really many Catholics in the south. We also ate pizza from Mark's Pizzeria. Pizza has to be what I miss most from Rochester. The pizza in NC is just nasty with paper thin crust (like a cracker), minimal toppings, and no flavor. For those of you that may be interested in seeing what good pizza looks like and what a fish fry is, look below.

This pie was very good. It did need more sauce but as you can see there are plenty of toppings.

You can see how thick the crust is from the front view. The crust had great flavor. I liked dipping it in the wing sauce.

Here is the side view showing how a good pizza should be able to support itself when picked up.

Clint is totally enjoying the pizza.

Battered fish fry with mac salad instead of Cole Slaw. Jen was happy to eat the Cole Slaw that was shredded instead of minced.
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